A Moment in Time

June 1909

A dissonant juxtaposition: The camera captured high formality and meticulously posed, earnest intent within the humblest of settings — a verdant pasture in frontier-era northwest Iowa.

This evocative photograph, labeled “Calumet German Band, Calumet, Iowa, June 4, 1909,” represents a day in the life of a handful of young, mostly German immigrants to a new farming community, and a singular moment in time before the imposing obligations of work, marriage, and family responsibilities.

The photo has stories to tell.

These young men and boys, the youngest aged 12, 13, and 14, most not yet 20, and led by an outlier 28-year-old, were tied by Old World culture, language, life experience, and in many cases complex family relationships. Some remained in the region, where their descendants thrive to this day, and others moved on to new opportunities elsewhere. But just over the horizon of a picturesque summer day in 1909 — a time of youthful innocence — were world-historic events. Several of these boys and men were soon to serve in the Great War. And the lives of two were tragically cut down by the great 1918 flu pandemic.

Join me in exploring this rich photo and the stories it can tell.

Site Navigation
Town & Township” (Region tab) discusses the frontier world of Calumet, which in 1909 had only recently been settled by European immigrants, and describes the circumstances of the photo. “The Cultural Milieu” (Culture) examines settler families’ ethnicity, language, values, and religion. The section also briefly discusses farm communities in this era. “Musical Issues” (Music) covers aspects of the band itself and what can be discerned about its purpose and makeup. The bulk of the narrative is in “Band Member Bios,” informed by genealogical research. An “Epilogue” offers a final observation. Footer links include a project note, a name index, acknowledgments, contact info, and a few photos of descendants of band members.

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